Take the next step toward a sustainable lifestyle.
Price: $49,200
148 sq. ft
(120 sq. ft+ 28 sq. ft covered deck+ bench)
178 sq. ft
(150 sq. ft + 28 sq. ft covered deck + bench)
Our approach centers on accommodating your needs (even ADA) and optimizing the available space.
Factory building Units approved by The California HCD. No building permit is required
(360 sq. ft + 28 sq. ft Covered Deck+ bench).
Free site assessment Report (Site assessmet, foundation, installation, and permits)
We will cover building standards, ADU types, differences between tiny homes and recreational vehicle building codes, certifications, and identifying unsafe manufacturers. Additionally, we will provide a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the step-by-step process of purchasing a tiny home.
3421 Hollis Street UNit A1, 94608 Oakland, CA
Office +1 (510) 920-3810 Mobile +1 (510) 722-4005
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